Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Letter to the Editor of the Globe and Mail of Toronto, Canada, from my friend Mary Stanik

re: A rose in any other lapel
February 10, 2009
Minneapolis, Minn. -- With regard to the Obama-envy some in Canada may feel about our new President (And The Person We Admire Most - Feb. 9), I hope Canadians won't feel too bad for too long.
It seems like eons since great numbers of people worldwide admired an American president.
Not everyone may have liked or respected Pierre Elliott Trudeau, but it's true that he was not dull. We Americans suffered through decades of presidents with deleted expletives, a poor command of English, and a fondness for interns. On top of it all, some were crashing bores.
So don't worry. If we survived the envy wilderness, so can Canada.
Another rose in a lapel could be just waiting to bloom.

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